
I work with bright and perceptive people to lay a flexible foundation of self-trust-worth-and-love on which they can build their lives.

From the first session, you will start to feel safer, more confident in your work and talents, more connected to friends and available to relationships

— even before you have the relationships, status, or other “proof” you thought you needed in order to feel that kind of certainty.

From there, you can build the life and relationships you want

from the freedom, love, and pleasure that inner security allows you.

To read my client’s stories about working together, scroll to the bottom of the page.

We do this by working at a few (interwoven) levels.

We start with somatic awareness — until you are connected to your emotions-as-sensations in the terrain of your body, any “inner work” you try to do remains conceptual and won’t express itself in your reality.

This re-association with feelings is absolutely necessary in order to have a clear sense of what you want, and to allow your desires and boundaries to unfold as actions.

Embodied feeling actually metabolizes and dissolves the dense emotional material that makes it seem impossible to exit the deep ruts of old patterns.

(if you feel like you “understand” the whats and whys of your patterns but you just keep doing them, this is likely why you’re struggling to make progress)

Want to try releasing for free?

I’ll personally guide you to relax into your self in less than an hour — at no cost (usually its $250) and zero commitment to continuing.

In this first session we dive into real work, unless you prefer to go more slowly.

Click here to schedule.

If feeling your feelings has been hard for you, don’t stress:
I have rock solid results helping people that were avoidant or overwhelmed by their emotions do exactly this,

and I have a knack for guiding them in a way that makes the process feel totally doable.

“Elias is so intuitive and empathetic and spot on in his assessments and pacing in this work. Typically slow to let my guard down, I felt an incredible amount of safety with him very early on. — Erin, USA

Once we’ve reassociated your analytical mind with your subconscious emotions and beliefs, we can work on that deep relationship to self that most inner work hardly touches.

We do this through a powerful meditative practice that sits at the intersection of spiritual inquiry, shadow work, self-reparenting, and parts work.

Sign up for your complimentary intro session with the calendar below — or read my clients’ stories at the bottom of the page.

If you have any questions, my email is hello@eliaspack.com

From people I’ve worked with:

From Erin, USA. Written at 3 month mark:

“I had achieved so much of what I told myself I wanted in life, but still felt miserable and unsatisfied, spending way too much of my time and energy obsessing over what others thought of me and comparing myself to peers (things that I intellectually knew were not serving me, but was unable to stop doing compulsively). 

I had no idea how much my detachment from myself and fear of being in my body was creating so many imbalances throughout my life and so much repression of my desires. I felt powerless to control negative self-talk and limiting beliefs about the world that were giving me so much fear and sadness. 

Elias has been a compassionate and attentive guide, leading me back to my core self and my power. I feel so much less resentment and bitterness and mistrust of the world, and have started to transform what has felt like a bottomless pit of want/yearning into a space of abundance and curiosity. Elias is so intuitive and empathetic and spot on in his assessments and pacing in this work. Typically slow to let my guard down, I felt an incredible amount of safety with him very early on.

Since starting this work, several people in my life have told me that I look and feel different in a positive way. Family relationships that have felt blocked and toxic don't feel as debilitating and closed off. I have so much more confidence and compassion for the person I am and have started to let go of the feeling that I need to perform different versions of myself in order to be loved and accepted. It's wild/beautiful.”

From Anon., USA. Written at 3 month mark:

things i thought were immutable simply aren’t. my chronic pain can be transformed, my trauma can be transformed. in a real, tangible way, where i feel it release from my being.

my relationship to physical pain is less intense and less frequent. when it comes up i feel at ease with it, down to let it be however it is. that’s brought a harmony into my body and life that i didn’t rly know i was missing. 

i got unstuck. at some point, i started to feel lively again, in a creative flow. i started a business and it’s felt fun and ease-full and heart-centered.

things are shifting for me on every level, from physical to emotional to relational. the more i do this practice, the more i come through as myself.

From R. in Berlin, DE after 7 months of working together:

“I look forward to our sessions every week. You have no idea. I look forward to them like I do to whatever I find the MOST FUN.

I have a feeling of endless discovery and pleasure in my work with you. [That pleasure] transforms the world, because it's to be found everywhere. 

I was struggling with A LOT of shame. Cycles of failure, self destruction, anger and shame. I had been having so much shame that I wanted to escape existing somehow.

I also had this feeling, that we discovered together, of being wrong, doing everything wrong.

It's not that now I think I do everything right, or that I don't feel failure, anger, shame – but all those feelings have taken on a new quality.

It's like there is a different texture to everything, a curiosity texture, a sensual texture. Everything has become an opportunity, a sweet and wonderful chance to dive into something.

I'm now able to take pleasure in any feeling. Not always, but it doesn't have to be always to have this huge effect overall:

I now have this incredible power and resilience and perspective because I know the possibility of being in feelings; because then the thought of a bad feeling isn't devastating, or something to escape. 

I have been able to look at my work, look at myself, look at videos of myself talk about my work, read articles written about my work.

I was never ever ever able to do that before. 

My tolerance for everything has expanded. 

I've started having the most honest conversations of my life with my friends and family and loved ones.

I tell people when they hurt me and they tell me when I hurt them! 

I HAVE DISCOVERED HOW MUCH I was holding myself back from even my closest people, not letting myself be seen. 

It has come out unanimously in these difficult talks, that I was hurting people by shrinking and avoiding myself and my power.

It has been a total shift:

this new ability to bear the intensity of good feelings, and intense connections, and the intensity of my own power. To bear the thrill of power. 

But the biggest thing. It is so big I'm not sure I can describe it. But the biggest thing is the discovery of the spontaneous feeling of love that I have inside me. 

It came first in a moment of such despair, I remember, when we were working through these deeply held beliefs (social beliefs) about women's value, how women are loved, how I would be loved, and after all the darkness this feeling just came welling up and it was so absorbing, and it was connected to any person or being. 

Then we kept revisiting it, and it has expanded and I feel like I can summon it and it's there for me: love.

It's this swirling life force of good feeling, somewhere between love and eros and I can feel it flowing through my body as this resource and strength and salve. 

Anyways all these things feel like the most precious tools.

I feel like I have tools for pleasure and power like never before, and they make me like myself, and connect deeper to the people in my life, and engage with more joy and freedom of my work. Less resistance, less weight in all areas of being.

I was surprised at how little information mattered. That we didn't need to remember facts about my past or my patterns to get to work every week.

I had been living so long in my head that it was shocking and relieving to spend so much time in my body, and that I didn't have to figuring anything out or fix anything to transform it. 

The gordian knot always comes back to me — it feels like just dropping down from the head and all its working, to the heart where I can just be, and that's all there is to it. 

I was also always surprised at how something new could happen every week, something emotional or physical would come to the surface and we would be in it and it would be new and transformative again.

I had no idea there could be so much richness in such simple ways of being, feeling, paying attention.”

From AE, NYC. Written at the 5 month mark:

“Sometimes immediately after a releasing session I would tell a really good joke, or get off the call feeling a lightness that is similar to being in tune to the right playful words.

Being in my body opens up this new space of expression — this clear, unprepared, effortless presence — a sense of sensitive alignment.

for anyone that really wants and cares about intimacy but also feels a deep disconnection from others or sense isolation on the day to day, i recommend elias’ guidance wholeheartedly.

the experience really does feel like a heart opening — which is a beautiful, surprising feeling after this painful, tight experience of being coiled around my brain for so long.

with elias’ curiosity and attentiveness to the stored selves and stories beneath a sheet of fear of being in myself (repression as i used to just call it)….

i felt a letting go of so many developed mental projections and after, felt a connection, care for, and playing field with others in a way that was not just associated with “depth” or really intense relationships, but something much more horizontal, loving, and free - and still charged.

feelings of transformation are like remembrances, but the guidefulness to get there is such a specific art - Elias is a true mentor in this complex journey.”

From Anon, Los Angeles, USA. Written at the 5 month mark:

“My goal with Elias has always been to achieve and maintain more openness, playfulness, and curiosity. Releasing anxieties, fears, and tension from my body without my trying to push them through. Just as my anxiety feels naturally occurring to me, so, I now realize, can my curiosity and flexibility.

I’ve quit my job to freelance and do what I enjoy most, full-time. I’ve doubled my freelance income and reframed my client relationships so that they feel fun and full of potential. Where I had hard boundaries for so long about work vs. intimacy, I no longer feel rigid or closed off, because I know that I can be honest and advocate for myself, and I can trust others to do the same.

I have prioritized my goals, boundaries, and desires, which has (ironically) greatly deepened my willingness and ability to connect and collaborate with others. I let myself trust that my family and peer relationships won’t blow up or break down if I advocate for myself before prioritizing what I assume they need or want first.

Releasing has given me the opportunities that I’ve struggled to create with other health / mental health practices, because its not a space to just talk until something happens but a space to sit with, investigate, and embrace every aspect of my feelings and consciousness.

From Alison, USA. Written after 3 months of working together:

“Working with elias helped me uncover hidden pockets of fear and unprocessed material holding me back from channeling my gifts. 

I feel much lighter and have more agency around topics that used to bring up pain and confusion. 

I feel a sense of clarity and power in my work and sense of self. Our sessions often felt like taking musty sheets off new furniture. 

Now, I can sit in myself and enjoy the niceness that had always been there, underneath the shrouds. 

From Eliot, NYC. Written 1.5 months into working together:

“With Elias, I am realizing that I spend so much time talking through challenges I have in my life, rather than feeling them. I am learning how to sink into the feelings that pass through me, instead of spending energy stowing them away, or believing I am not allowed to feel certain things.

I came into my work with him feeling overwhelmed, burnt out and unsure of how to advance my career. Now, I try to simply feel and breathe along with the things that naturally arise in me day to day. This, somehow, unclouds my perceptions and the next steps for my career become obvious, exciting things. Elias does not cast away any sensation, he helps me deeply feel through. It’s funny, because in directly letting any feeling pass through me, each moment can be a new experience. I don’t have to cling to old stories of who I am or what my world should look like. 

It feels significant and light at the same time. Working with Elias has given me a spacious kind of momentum, where I get to act on the things that feel important to me, moving my life into a place of fun and exuberance, things that I'm realizing were already there, available to me, but that I turned away from because I wasn't allowing myself to feel. 

After doing years of typical talk therapy, this feels very different. It’s about the body, not my propensity to intellectualize. It's about a shared sense of being human, of laughing and crying and having a grounded, intuitive person remind me that it’s safe, beautiful and generous to feel so much.”